The Flower School Opening hours, telephone and address
Business Services in Brisbane
950 Northlink PlaceVirginia, Brisbane, QLD 4014 Australia , Brisbane , 04014
Christmas Bow WorkshopWELCOME TO THE FLOWER SCHOOL.The Flower School is a professional registered training.organisation based in Brisbane since 2004. We offer accredited Certificate II,.Certificate III & Certificate IV in Floristry, an array of private courses,.workshops, and Masterclasses. Enriching experiences in a nurturing environment.where innovation blooms, enabling individuals to channel their artistic energy.All our Workshops, provide hands-on experience, allowing explore various techniques and styles to give you a taste in your floral.journey, that will activate your imagination as you explore the timeless.elegance of flowers all the while learning endless tips and tricks on styling.and floral care. Our seasonal Workshops will invoke your imagination as you.create beautiful florals for your home. Our Workshops are perfect to be shared.with a friend as you create a bouquet or a timeless arrangement.